Den spanske indretningsarkitekt Lázaro Rosa-Violán har givet klubhuset på PGA Catalunya Resort en overhaling, så det ikke længere ligner et traditionelt klubhus.
Med bl.a. glasvægge, spejle og planter er der skabt nogle mere lyse lokaler, som åbner sig op mod naturen udenfor. Materialevalget skal skabe en varm og naturlig atmosfære, som står i kontrakt til bygningerne.
Der er og bliver investeret mange millioner euro på PGA Catalunya Resort, som udover to fremragende baner bl.a. også har to hoteller og sin egen vingård. Resortet ligger under en times kørsel fra Barcelona og 20 minutter fra Girona, som blandt meget andet er kendt for sine Michelin restauranter heriblandt El Celler de Can Roca, der flere gange er blevet kåret som verdens bedste restaurant.
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Interior design guru transforms clubhouse at PGA Catalunya Resort
The transformation of PGA Catalunya Resort’s clubhouse by celebrated interior design guru Lázaro Rosa-Violán is a bold move away from traditional golf course clubhouses.
Expansive glass walls, well-placed mirrors and the bright foliage of a legion of indoor plants create a light-drenched space that opens out onto the stunning Stadium Course, Spain’s #1 golf course*. Wooden tones blend with sage green upholstery and tan leather to create a warm, natural atmosphere which contrasts with the clean lines of marble, metallic, and charcoal-grey surfaces.
About the new look interior, designer Lázaro Rosa-Violán commented:
– I wanted to create an open space that felt connected to the incredible courses outside but had a character of its own, blending the tones of the Catalonian landscape with the modern design aesthetic of the resort.
Gastronomy sits at the heart of the estate’s luxury lifestyle experience, and the redesigned Club Café will play a key role in expanding the culinary offerings of the European Tour Destination. Across the resort, which also boasts its own vineyard, guests can discover cooking shows, special menus and guest chef appearances, as well as wine events, tastings and pairings.
PGA Catalunya Resort CEO David Plana added:
– The refurbishment of our clubhouse is part of our continuing evolution into one of Europe’s most desirable luxury lifestyle destinations.
– As we progress with our three-year, multi-million Euro investment programme, we are looking to push the boundaries and develop the breadth of facilities, services and experiences we can offer customers. From sport, exercise and leisure facilities to adventure activities and nature walks, we seek to engage the whole family and cater to interests for all ages and characters.
With two hotels on-site, less than an hour’s drive from the vibrant city of Barcelona and only 20 minutes from the Michelin-starred restaurants of Girona, PGA Catalunya Resort is emerging as a multi-faceted venue delivering the ultimate lifestyle experience and 36 holes of championship golf.
For further information about PGA Catalunya Resort please visit